Grain Highlights 01.03.2023
Turkey has canceled a tender to buy 48,000 tons of unrefined sunseed oil due to high prices. Offers were in the range of 1,159 – 1,173.8 USD/ton C&F. – From the beginning of the season to 01.03.2023, 32,286 million tons of grain were exported from Ukraine (43,515 a year earlier), including 5,207 million tons in […]
Grain Highlights 30.02.2023
Turkey has bought 300,000 tons of milling wheat with 12.5% protein from Russia with delivery within March – April and prices of 308.1 – 310.9 USD/ton C&F. – According to data from the Russian Grain Union, 2.95 million tons of wheat were exported from Russia in February (+24% compared to February 2022). Barley exports were […]
Grain Highlights 28.02.2023
Stratégie Grains has raised its forecast for the 2023/24 EU rapeseed production by 100,000 tons to 19.6 million tons (19.5 in 2022/23). – Over the week of February 20-26, 337,200 tons of wheat were exported from the Russian port of Novorossiysk, including 69,200 tons for Saudi Arabia, 59,700 tons for Bangladesh and 51,200 tons for Turkey. […]